BVSc, DVPH, DTE, MMedVet(Hyg), PhD, DVSc, Veterinary Specialist Public Health
Jan H du Preez matriculated at the Merensky Agricultural High School near Tzaneen in 1966, after which he obtained a BVSc degree from the University of Pretoria (1971); the post-graduate diploma in veterinary public health (DVPH) (1978); the post-graduate diploma in tertiary education (DTE) (1981); and the MMedVet(Hyg) degree (1981); after which he registered as a Veterinary Specialist in Public Health. In 1985, he obtained the DVSc (Doctor in Veterinary Science) degree and in 1994 a PhD degree from the University of Pretoria. He is a member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (Great Britain). From 1972 to 1978 he practised as a private veterinarian in Letsitele, and from 1979 to 1988 he taught, first as a senior lecturer and later as professor at the University of Pretoria’s Faculty of Veterinary Science. From 1989 to 2000 he conducted full-time research as a senior specialist at the Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute. He is currently the managing director of the Institute for Livestock Technology in Pretoria. He serves on various official committees and boards and has published more than 500 scientific and popular scientific articles. He is the author/co-author of academic books and is a frequent speaker (nationally and internationally) on mastitis and udder health in dairy cows, impermissible tissue in boerewors, zoonoses and heat stress in food animals.
BVSc, DPH, MBChB Veterinarian and Medical Doctor
Gert PJ du Preez matriculated at the Merensky Agricultural High School near Tzaneen in 1968, after which he obtained a BVSc degree (1977) and the MBChB (1979) degree from the University of Pretoria. In 1983, he obtained the post-graduate diploma in Public Health (DPH) from the same University. His work includes: Intern (Lebowakgoma Hospital – 1980), Medical officer (Letaba hospital – 1981), Senior Medical Officer (Letaba Hospital – 1982) and Clinical Manager (Letaba Hospital – 1983-1984). Full time in private practice and sessions at Letaba Hospital (1983-1984). Full time CMO at Letaba Hospital and work with Principle Orthopaedic Specialist Dr PWS Williams (2005-2015). Acting Head of Orthopaedics Letaba Hospital (2015-2016). Orthopaedic outreaches to Maputha-Malatji Hospital weekly (2005-2017). Work full time in Orthopaedics (2016-2017). He is also active in game capture, husbandry, darting, immobilisation and translocation (2014-2017).
BA, BA (Hons), MA
Janické du Preez matriculated at Overkruin High School, Pretoria in 2007, after which she obtained a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Psychology (2011), Bachelor of Arts Honours (BA[Hons]) in Criminology (2012) and Masters of Arts (MA) in Criminology (2015) degrees from the University of Pretoria. She lectured as an assistant lecturer at the University of Pretoria (2014-2015). She is actively promoting the discipline of human and pet and companion animal relationships.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the following persons for their contributions and assistance in the writing of this book: Sulet du Preez for typing the manuscript and secretarial services; Susan Brett, Ilana Kemp and Brigette Rademeyer for graphic design and art work; Rina Eksteen for layout and art work; Dr Mary-Louise Penrith for scientific and language editing and Dr Francois (Faffa) Malan for relevant scientific contributions.
Sulet du Preez, Personal assistant to authors